The Society for the Preservation of  Endangered Cocktails

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...for that which is not drunk is forgotten.

SPEC – Society for the Preservation of the Endangered Cocktail’s sole mission is to preserve the American traditions of the cocktail and the cocktail party. We work diligently, sacrificing our bodies, minds, time and money to assure that this significant aspect of our history will not be lost to future generations.

There are legendary cocktails that were once the toast of fabled times. Yet, alas, they have fallen from favor; they languish abandoned, and are threatened with extinction. These are the endangered cocktails. If forgotten, they will soon be utterly unknown. For it has been said many a time, “That which is not drunk will soon be forgotten."*

But there is hope. Yes, hope that these treasures of American tradition will not fade into nothingness. The Members, Champions and Heroes of SPEC, those Americans who are the willing, the fearless, and admittedly sometimes the inebriated, have already saved many from this wretched fate.  But the work must continue, for countless others are waiting to be revived.  Join us; you, too, can save a cocktail.

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Please do it for the children.

Saving a Cocktail?

There is much work to be done, but this work must be shared. One cannot rescue a cocktail simply by engaging in solitary sipping on one’s back patio. No, to rejoin the ranks of the living, a cocktail must be served at a Cocktail Party consisting of no less than six people, or be placed on the menu of a SPEC Certified Bar.

To help in this work there are three levels of membership. (See Membership)